AtkinsRéalis Ecology was appointed by Keohane Geological Consultants to provide the terrestrial ecology and water quality components of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a sand and gravel quarry in Tipperary. Of particular importance was the location of the Annacarty Wetlands proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA) adjacent to the study area.

Scope of Work

As part of the EIA, a habitat survey of the site was conducted using the Heritage Council methodology and habitat classification. A detailed habitat map was generated illustrating the location and extent each habitat. Particular attention was paid to the adjacent wetlands. In addition to the field survey, a detailed desk study and correspondence with the NPWS was carried out to evaluate the conservation importance of the site. Direct and indirect impacts of the construction and operational phases of the proposed sand and gravel quarry on terrestrial and aquatic ecology of the site and the pNHA were assessed.


None of these habitats present on site are designated as being of International importance under the EU Habitats Directive. However, the Annacarty Wetlands pNHA was confirmed as being of National importance for nature conservation. In addition, the site supported ponds which provide good habitat for birds, amphibians and potentially invertebrates. The remainder of the habitats on-site were classified as being of moderate to low ecological importance.

Client: Keohand Geological Consultants