Kilbarry Bog pNHA (site code 1700) has historically been negatively impacted by a number of developments. Waterford City Council therefore commissioned AtkinsRéalis to assist in improving understanding of the conservation value of Kilbarry Bog and to integrate this into any future projects or proposals in order to avoid any further negative impacts on the site. AtkinsRéalis has been commissioned by Waterford City Council to:
– Develop a Management Plan for Kilbarry Bog
– Develop habitat creation / compensation measures
– Advise on how proposals for reducing current flooding of the St. John’s River onto the Tramore Road (R675) could impact on the conservation objectives of Kilbarry Bog pNHA
These projects have been supported by an extensive programme of ecological studies. Studies carried out to date include field and desktop assessments of:
– Geology, soils and hydrology
– Habitats, including a detailed habitat map following the Heritage Council’s habitat classification (Fossitt, 2000)
– Water quality and aquatic ecology
– Fauna, including reviews of records for birds and amphibians of conservation concern
The Kilbarry Bog Management Plan has been completed and submitted to WCC, where it has formed the basis for additional works. AtkinsRéalis has also submitted an environmental report for Part 8 planning for the flood improvement works on the R675 Tramore Road and the extension to the St. John’s River walkway. The latter included design of a new pond and wetland habitat in compensation for habitats lost to walkway construction. AtkinsRéalis is currently designing a series of new wetland habitats to be created adjacent to Kilbarry Bog pNHA. These diverse wetlands are planned to enhance existing biodiversity and compensate for historical wetland losses in the area. AtkinsRéalis is currently acting as WCC’s representative to ensure ongoing road improvements to the R675 do not negatively impact on Kilbarry Bog.
Client:Waterford County Council