The pool is a five lane 25 metre pool. Design is in accordance with the Sports Council UK – Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, and the Pool Water Research Foundation (PWTAG) and also in accordance with the Health & Safety codes of practice of the Sports Council UK.
Mechanical Services
There are 2 air handling units serving the pool and its facilities. The main AHU serves the pool area alone and comprises supply and extract fans, plate heat recuperator (to provide energy recovery) and low temperature Hot Water heating elements. The pool hall is ventilated in accordance with CIBSE recommendations (15 litres per second per m2 of wetted area) and is kept at a negative pressure relative to the surrounding areas to ensure that the chlorine atmosphere is contained. Full, fresh air is distributed via concrete ducts running the length of the pool itself, return air is at high level.
The fitness suite and changing areas are supplied separately incorporating supply and extract fans, run-around coils for heat recovery and heating elements. Supply and return air is at ceiling level in both these areas.
All items of plant, AHU’s, boilers, underfloor heating etc can be monitored and controlled via the site wide Building Management System at DCU.
The Pool water Treatment used is a solid Calcium Hypochloride system. The pool water filtration system consists of two 15 tonne sand filters and an ultraviolet filter.
Electrical Services
The Pool and associated Leisure areas are served by a dedicated, and separately metered, main switchboard located in the common HT switch room which also serves the adjacent residences blocks.
The DCU complex has a private HT ring hence it is possible to house the LV switch-gear adjacent the HT RMU and transformer.
Lighting within the pool hall is achieved by wall mounted floodlighting directed at the barrel vault ceiling.
All florescent luminaries are complete with high frequency control gear and illumination levels are in accordance with the relevant CIBSE guides